Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015: Alberta and Futurist Forecast

After a wonderful few weeks off. We come back to oil prices still falling. I went to the pump and had a moment of glee when I saw the price at $.72 per litre, then I realized the impact on me and Albertans as a whole.

This isn't the first time in Alberta has ridden a roller coaster and it won't be the last. In fact it may not be that bumpy at all.

Low gas prices are still nothing to take lightly. Here are some big risks to the Canadian economy JUMP

A Futurist forecasts the unexpected. One of them isn't a Hoverboard.... HERE

I’m not a fan of Maclean’s overall, but there are of course some good opinions and ideas inside the magazine. There are far too many charts here to get an idea of anything, but it is still worth looking through and examining key charts that paint a picture of Canada and your province. JUMP HERE

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