Monday, January 08, 2007

Less Than 10% Of Renters Search Newspapers

Today in my car I was listening to the December REIN CD. My husband and I are Gold members of the REIN group and credit it for our excellent and easy investment system and a network of peers that have bought over $1 Billion dollars of Canadian Real Estate to date.

Don R. Campbell was saying that less than 10% of renters use newspaper ads as a primary source of rental units available in the Edmonton area. Many of the new tenants in Edmonton have inmigrated from across Canada therefore do not have access to local papers. They largely rely on internet rental sites.

So if you have a rental suite that doesn`t seem to be pulling the response that it should in this near 0% vacancy market, then you need to advertise online. It is cheaper and you can customize your ad to put as many photos and details as you like. I personally like Once you post your ad and put up photos they give you 30 days free credit to your account. In this market that can last you a long time!

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