Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas!

What an interesting time we are living in. With news headlines hammering us everyday it's tough keep upbeat and positive. I don't need a crystal ball to predict that next year will continue to be a time of uncertainty and fear, at least until the economy finds its feet and investors gain confidence.

But, it's easy to sit back, criticize and succumb to the mass mindset that the world is ending and that there is no hope in sight. It's always easier to commiserate than to get into action and make a positive change. And that's especially what this New Year should be about. Commit yourself to
'Turn Crisis Into Opportunity'.

We all inherently know the old adage of 'buy low and sell high' but throughout time the general population retreat, hiding, laying curled in a ball or just plain tharn. And in Buffet's words "A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."

As you know there are a lot of great deals out there. That's why we're moving full throttle forward and taking advantage of this downturn to add quality, cash-flowing properties to your portfolio. We can negotiate better terms and stay the long-term course, avoiding as many of the bumps along the road that we can. 2009 will remain gloomy, but I think we'll start seeing light and stability towards the end of the year and throughout 2010.

Here are three simple actions to enter the New Year with:

Stay Positive and Be Grateful: Its so simple, but yet so powerful. Choose to start your day with a good attitude; make a habit of forcing yourself to find the good in any perceivably bad situation. You'll be amazed at the results and opportunities you'll find. Be positive and effective in your speech, actions and thoughts. Be grateful for what you've already achieved. It may be something major that you've done or something that you take for granted everyday like the beautiful tree outside your home, the taste of a delicious meal or the fact that you have a healthy body and the ability simply to read this email.

Redefine Your Goals: Take the time to really boil down to the essence of what you want to achieve in the New Year and beyond. Look at your business, health and family goals. Force yourself to commit 110% and move forward with speed and persistence. Make monthly, weekly and daily goal lists to help you stay on track.

Take Action: Realize the opportunity before you. Resolve to learn 3 new skills and employ them systematically moving towards your goal. Take your goals from passive to active. If your goal is to increase your monthly income by $3000, write down and implement the actions needed to reach that goal. That may be to start the due diligence on three properties, research high dividend stocks to invest in, reduce costs at your business while increasing sales and revenue.

I hope that you've enjoyed the Super-Sized version of this month's newsletter. We'll be spending the holidays playing in the snow from 12/27-1/5. The next newsletter will be January 15th. Wishing you and your family a joyous Holiday Season and a very successful 2009! Thank you and warmest regards,

Todd and Danielle Millar-

P.S. Stay ahead by signing up for Alberta Oilsands Real Estate Investor Newsletter for all your cutting edge market news and information.

P.P.S. Wonder about the fears that kept others out of the markets? I don't want to invest now! Check this out.

P.P.P.S. Don’t forget to visit our website and take advantage of the Resource Tools and product section including REIN's #1 real estate books and Quick Start home study sets at a discount. Get your copy of the Canadian Success Stories book and the Top Ten Alberta Towns for 2008.


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