"Japan Canada Oil Sands Ltd. (Jacos) is pressing ahead with a three-year seismic and delineation program to drill more than 100 delineation wells and shoot over 65 square kilometres of new 3D seismic data at its lease in Athabasca's oilsands."
The efforts will be the first step toward setting up a commercial venture with capacity of up to 35,000 barrels per day -- and which ultimately could help the oil starved industrial giant meet its demand for energy." Full Article
The move was made to allow Jacos to diversify away from Middle East Oil.
So far France, China, Norway, the Middle East, America and now Japan have shifted either millions or billions of dollars to get into Alberta and the oilsands. They know this is where the next big supply of oil is coming from. Why not put your dollars in with the "smart money"?
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