Monday, February 01, 2010

Are you missing the point? - Alberta Oilsands Investment Real Estate

Recently Danielle has been listening to a lot of Hay House Radio, which is pretty cool. You get to hear many fantastic authors speak, and sometimes callers can dial up to ask questions. But, there are some hosts on there whose topics I just can't wrap my head around.

I was making a joke about one of them when Danielle mentioned another teacher that we both really like now. We'd bought her audiobook a year prior but have only started to grasp the concepts she spoke about now. In fact when I first heard it it sounded like some kind of wacky mumbo jumbo. But, when I heard it again recently I totally got the message. What changed? It was exactly the same audiobook, same author and the same message.

How have I changed in 1 year that has enabled me to 'get' the message this time? Perhaps you've experienced re-watching a movie and the second time round you pick up so much more from the film. You're able to get the subtle nuances, catch an underlying theme or get the deeper meaning that you missed the first time. Maybe you've read a great book and have taken away one two key ideas to apply. Then you go back to that same book and find another 3 concepts that you didn't even catch before!

I guess the old adage is true - 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear' even if that teacher is a book, a situation or something unpleasant. When we continually tune in with an open mind our learning is infinite. This is a lesson I think we can use whenever we feel a particular concept is difficult to understand. Step back, look at it and ask what is it that I'm not seeing?

Sometimes it may take a while for that answer to be processed, but it'll come when we train ourselves to be receptive to it.

"In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled." -Paul Eldridge

Kind Regards,

Todd and Danielle Millar.

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