Saturday, February 27, 2010

We ARE Ambassadors!

Todd and I applied to be Alberta Brand Ambassadors and were accepted! We're really excited because,hey, we've already been selling Alberta for 8 years to 5 countries.

Here is the passion behind the brand:
"Alberta has a great story to tell and we are going to tell it.

Now, more than ever, this is the time to promote Alberta. It is vital to ensure that our province remains competitive in the global market, and continues to be a place of opportunity, prosperity and pride for all Albertans.

The new Alberta brand is a brand for the place - our province. It captures the spirit of our people as well as the potential that exists throughout Alberta.

The perception of Alberta that the new brand helps to create at home and abroad will have a profound impact on the success of the province. It will affect Alberta's access to world markets, sway investment decisions and influence our ability to attract tourists and immigrants."

What vision! I'm proud to be Canadian, an Albertan (vicariously) and to be part of this.

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