Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to make a hell of a profit - and still get to heaven!

Last night I had the pleasure of attending a small gathering at the U.O.A Listner Hall to hear Dr. DeMartini speak. I have read 2 of Dr. DeMartini's books and found them both to be immensely insightful, practical and potent. He bridges many concepts from business to philosophy.
There were less than 100 people in attendance and I was able to meet Dr. D and talk to him for a few minutes.

My uncle Bill is South African and lives in the Karoo desert. One of his dreams was to build the pension he has out there so that guests can come and see the great expanse of this off the beaten path place. One year Danielle and I spent Christmas in Kloof, S.A. with my family there. It was then that my uncle gave me the Dr. DeMartini book 'How to Make One Hell Of A Profit And Still Get To Heaven'. It became my reading companion throughout the trip from Kloof to Paternoster and circling the Cape of Good Hope. I remember being on Robben Island where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years imprisoned and reflecting upon Dr. D's insights.

Last night's talk was about the 'Hierarchy of Values' and how your highest values will be your most organized and position you with your number one goals. These goals might be family, relationship, money, health, business or social. You may not even beware of what those values are if you're not careful - that is where many folks spend there time in delusion.

On the lower scale of Hierarchy lives your neglected values, often in chaos. Dr. DeMartini breaks down what drives you to have your current values, identifies them and shows you ways to replace or hone them to meet your highest intrinsic value; the one thing that serves others and makes you happy.

If you like what you read here and want to see Dr.. DeMartini in action, he will be in Calgary, Alberta over the weekend. Check him out - you will be changed.

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