Monday, August 27, 2007

Stop Pushing My Tushy!

I was on one of the fastest trains in the world, heading at near light-speed to an early morning meeting in Tokyo last Friday. The purpose of my journey was to liaise with international investors who are moving capital from European and Asian markets into rock steady Alberta real estate.

An easy enough task, all things considered. My partners are quite well informed about Alberta and it’s effortless for them to see the advantages with ‘global eyes’, meaning from a seasoned-world perspective.

With Alberta’s growth a mere half percent (that’s right: 0.5%) behind China’s growth it’s no wonder why it is effortless to see. As it’s easy to forget with all these heady numbers, here are a couple of facts to show what’s really happening. Alberta has a population of 3 million people. China has a population of 1.3 billion. Hopefully that clears up any confusion about how BIG of a growth spurt Alberta is enjoying.

Did you know that in China every year about 30
million people move up the economic ladder from ‘poor’ to ‘middle class’?

That’s nearly the population of Canada increasing its income bracket every 365 days.

India now has a ‘middle-class’ of about 250 million people, which represents 25% of the Indian population. By 2025 India will have 400 million middle-class people with over $2.8 Trillion a year in spending power.

As I’m watching the eki-in (train-pushers) pack people into the Shinjuku train line with soft, padded poles and white cotton gloves. I start thinking, 2 million people go through this station everyday…

Like some outtake from the movie Pi, I can almost see this demand as tangible: Alberta’s oil, gas and nanotech, Canada’s water, uranium and lifestyle.

Luckily we don’t need any Tushy-Pushers to push people into Alberta as there is enough room for everyone- in fact the gate is swinging wide open and welcoming.

Japan, Germany, Russia and Italy are all projected to shrink in populace in the coming decades whereas Canada will have the fastest growth of all industrialized countries, faster than the USA.

Alberta’s in the midst of the strongest economic growth of any Canadian province in history- poised to be a global energy super-power in the coming decades. Why wouldn’t people rush in?

This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I decided to post a one of our monthly newsletters from our free monthly mailing list. If you would like to receive this in your mailbox every month go here

It is full of our hot deals, market updates and Edmonton information for the investor!

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