Monday, February 15, 2010

Pulling Gold

The Olympics have officially started! It was the first time I saw the postmodern 'doobie' torch and I must say, it was inspiring to watch the games begin. Although I'm not a huge sports fan, every time the games start I manage to get wrapped up in them. Once I was on a barge floating in Indonesia, another time in Tokyo and it was especially moving to see.

The relay has involved 12,000 torchbearers who have covered roughly 45,000 kilometers in every corner of the country. It started in Olympia, Greece, last October at a ceremony that used the rays of the sun and a special mirror to light the flame. After touring that country, the flame was put inside a miner's lantern and flown to Canada where the final four legends lit the flame.

What I get out of watching the Olympics is seeing the athletes elated faces when they win, especially the young ones. It is fantastic to see them so blown away when they get a medal. I love that look; the coaches beaming on. There is a release of energy to be a part of something so big - but yet to still celebrate your (and your teams) win.

When you watch a particularly moving competition, try and take a bit of that energy with you on throughout your day and into this year and see what happens.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

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