Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Already November

I can't believe how quickly this year has gone. It seems incredible there are only two months left to Christmas and that 2008 has for the most part over. What an incredible year with all the ups and downs of the markets both in real estate and stocks.

If you were hoping to get into the real estate market this year but still haven't had a chance to take action or just don't know where the market is going (reading the newspapers would make anyone afraid to do anything), there still is time to at least learn about the market and reduce the fear that seems to permeate the market recently.

REIN Alberta is holding Quickstart Canadian specific real estate training program in Edmonton November 7th and 8th.

"Yes, today’s real estate market has changed dramatically, especially when you compare it to 2006 and 2007. Housing starts are down, listings are up, prices are flat (and have even dropped in some regions). Do you sell? Do you buy? Do you just stay on the sidelines? … all legitimate questions. For investors and homeowners who are making the 2nd most common mistake… there are more questions than there are answers. Those who are not making the mistake are enjoying tremendous strength in their investments, despite the turmoil… and you can too." Reserve your spot now

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